May 21, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!
We are so excited to have a healthy baby boy on the way. He was very active and made it easy for us to see him from all angles during the ultra sound! I have noticed him growing and moving lately!

We are working on the nursery. It will be green, brown, and khaki! We have registered at target for some really cute things!!!

We are discussing baby names and have some that we really like! We are planning on keeping the name a secret until Baby Meece joins us. However, we are open to suggestions and guesses.

Hope everyone is doing well.


  1. I'm so excited about THE one and only Baby Meece. It's a crazy world out here, but Baby Meece shall be loved by those around him. Baby Meece couldn't have chose two better parents!

  2. Hmmm...

    I'm quite partial to the name Jeremy. If need be you can go with Michael, though. Heck, even Parker works as a first name.

    Just some ideas.

